Hey hey everybody...what's going on ? Just got home for my Christmas Leave, got a few more days before i gotta head back to good ol' Indiana...not going to lie, not a fan of zero degree weather...oh well...hope everyone has a very merry christmas...
Check it out !
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Leave
Hey hey everybody...what's going on ? Just got home for my Christmas Leave, got a few more days before i gotta head back to good ol' Indiana...not going to lie, not a fan of zero degree weather...oh well...hope everyone has a very merry christmas...
Monday, October 13, 2008
WVU weekend
Thursday, October 9, 2008
up coming trip...
just a heads up...im heading to West Virginia to see the WVU v. Syracuse University....should be a crazy time...hope all is well...talk to you all very soon.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just Checkin in...

I realized its been a while since i've written anything...just wanted to let everyone know that im still alive...what have i been up to lately .... well...lots of PT...doing that army thing...combatives training...should come in handy next time I'm in old town Redlands with all the Bros...i went to the Taylor Swift concert last Saturday....that was great...she's def a hotty...thats about it...hope all is well with everyone...look forward to seeing everyone fairly soon.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Washington Post : Thanks Rusk...
from the wall street journal:The Anbar handover is above all a tribute to the hundreds of Americans who have fought and died in places like Fallujah, Ramadi and Hit over these last five years. Over the horizon of history, we tend to recall only the successes in previous wars at such places as Guadalcanal, Peleliu and the Chosin Reservoir. We forget that those wars and battles were also marked by terrible blunders and setbacks, both political and military. What mattered is that our troops, and our country, had the determination to fight to an ultimate victory. So it is with the heroes of Anbar.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Last weekend at BOLC II
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Why i fight....
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Funny story...
So today i decided to crush my cell phone charger...the end that goes into the phone...so i grab my leatherman and fix it like Magiver would do...anyways...when i went to plug it in i decided to have one finger on one of th metal prongs and the other metal prong went into the socket...then i shocked the hell outta my finger...it STILL HURTS...not cool...thought that might make you guys smile...hasta
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Oops...i did it again...
Yes folks, i did it again....today i filled out the necessary paperwork to volunteer for another deployment to Iraq...I volunteered to go with the 30th HBCT ( Heavy Brigade Combat Team)...for all those who haven't read this in a newspaper or seen it on T.V....the Army has switched to Brigade size combat teams...instead of mobalizing Divisions or parts of Divisions to fill the various needs of a deployment (infantry, tankers, gasoline specialists, MP's, medics, etc) the Army has switched to Brigade Combat Teams which have everything they need organic to them for a deployment...so the 30th HBCT has all the Infantry, Tanks, Cav-Scouts, Medics, Supply Guys, etc it needs for the deployment alrady assigned to it....that way the army doesn't have to activate small units from various Divisions and bases across the nation anymore...oh...when i say "Heavy" BCT i mean it has TONS of armor...it has Tanks and Bradleys...anyways...just wanted to let everyone know....there will be def. more to write about this desicion as it starts to sink in...love you all...HASTA
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Another day...

Hello everyone! Just another day in the Barracks...today was a fairly long day...not very stressfull...hope everyone is doing well...just wanted to toss a post on here so people knew i was still alive...i was writing my mother an email today and was describing how i was doing...i said: "i'm pretty sore and tired...that pretty much sums up the last three years of my life.." i found that interesting...in the past three years i have been sore from:
1. A deployment to Iraq
2. Drinking (falling down and fighting)
3. Working out at good ol' LA Fitness
4. ROTC PT and FTX's
5. National Guard Drills
6. Playing Volleyball
7. Practicing for Greek Week
8...and the lsit goes on and on....
Sore and tired isn't such a bad thing to be...looking back i have woken up sore and tired from some of the most amazing nights...waking up in my dorm room after a long night with the Phi Delts at Aoki's....waking up Monday morning for ROTC PT after a long National Guard Drill, truly feeling like i accomplished something....waking up sore and tired in Iraq after an long day and night patroling or standing in a tower knowing that my pain was a US Citizens pleasure, my soreness was another citizens peace of mind knowing that i stood on that fence between them and those bastards who wish them ill....
quote of the night/day/week :
"People sleep in peace at night because Rough men stand ready to do Violence on their behalf".
I do stand ready...i love you all...God Bless...take care...Tip a glass o' Guiness for me and i'll catch ya on the flip side....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tryin' it out/ Intro

The First of what i would imagine is many many posts...just wanted to see how this damn thing works...
I will be using this as my primary way of letting everyone know i am alive and well...
Needless to say i have started a journey...a long journey...i can't honestly say that i just started this journey...to be completely honest this journey started back on August 23rd, 2003 when i made the decision to enlist the US Army National Guard... i have gone many places, seen some interesting and disturbing things...this journey has brought me across the nation, across the world, and back again...i hope to find both the time and words to describe to everyone where i have been, what i have seen, and what lies ahead...i am no psychic, but i have laid out a plan and (God willing) this plan will take many to new destinations with even more stories to tell...hope all is well with everyone...talk to you real soon.
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