Yes folks, i did it i filled out the necessary paperwork to volunteer for another deployment to Iraq...I volunteered to go with the 30th HBCT ( Heavy Brigade Combat Team)...for all those who haven't read this in a newspaper or seen it on T.V....the Army has switched to Brigade size combat teams...instead of mobalizing Divisions or parts of Divisions to fill the various needs of a deployment (infantry, tankers, gasoline specialists, MP's, medics, etc) the Army has switched to Brigade Combat Teams which have everything they need organic to them for a the 30th HBCT has all the Infantry, Tanks, Cav-Scouts, Medics, Supply Guys, etc it needs for the deployment alrady assigned to it....that way the army doesn't have to activate small units from various Divisions and bases across the nation anymore...oh...when i say "Heavy" BCT i mean it has TONS of has Tanks and Bradleys...anyways...just wanted to let everyone know....there will be def. more to write about this desicion as it starts to sink you all...HASTA