Alright...this is my version of a slight rant...i started this blog as a way for me to update family and friends as how my current deployment is going as well as maybe make a few bucks through tossing a few ads on my site...i have realistic expectations of this blog and understand that im not going to get rich via this blog...i have about 30 visitors a day to this blog, judging from that widget in the lower right these visits are def international...this blog has evolved many times over the years...i had one when i was in iraq...then completely forgot about it while i finished college...towards the end of IOBC at Fort Benning, GA i started preparing for a deployment to Iraq, so i got another life happens i find myself in Kosovo, not complaining...i haven't been shot at since 2006 (living in so cal thats fairly impressive). But as things in my life changed so did this blog. Do not be mistaken, this blog is by no means an extension of myself able to allow the viewer of my blog the ability to know who i am, what i am like, or "understand" me in really any way. To be completely honest i am randomly posting shit in hopes that i both entertains as well as informs those i love as what life is "like". I use "like" cuz there is absolutely no way (short of using a video camera to film my every movement-which is illegal given my current situation) to truly convey what life is like as a deployed soldier. I cannot convey the meanings of simple things like "first call" or "formations" or what a "Blue Falcon" is...its hard to discribe what dealing with "Jodi" is like...i cannot paint a vivid enough picture with my substandard grammar that is worthy of what life is truly like here in lovely Kosovo. What i CAN do, is hap-hazardly post various things about a frail hope that it sparks enough interest to keep you coming back...fear not, i will find my niche, i will find that path and actually have a focus other than "what life is like" soon enough...
The title of the blog in case your blind is The Road I'm On... yes, its a title of a 3 Doors Down song. I honestly didn't realize 'til one night i decided to google search my site...making find my site via google pretty fucking difficult when the first 80 sum-odd search results are either links to music videos or links to lyrics. One part of "The Road I'm (currently) On" is the news...i find myself sitting infront of my 19 inch t.v. watching the AFN (armed forces network) watching the news update me on what is going not only back home, but around the world. One thing i often do is make loud comments directed at the t.v. about what they are i figured i could share with you what i think about the various news that is being reported...
John Stuart v. Jim Cramer....fucking amazing...John Stuart lays out what the problem is, and what the hell CNBC financial news SHOULD be doing...if you missed it, check it out online, it is worth the 30 seconds it'll take to find...
Today Fox news reported that there is a fear that the violence in Iraq will increase due to the promise of Obama to pull all combat troops out of Iraq....NO SHIT...lemme break this down for a second...if im a terrorist sitting in my cave or shitty house in Iraq and i hear that all combat troops (the guys that shoot at me when im pulling my shenanagins) are going to going to grab my AK and a shovel and start shooting and burying IED's like i've never done not only to gain some sort of social status as a "freedom fighter", but also because hey, maybe it will make the Americans leave faster...kind of live a Vietnam ?!?!
I realize that the video has nothing to do with the rant...other than the video is to entertain and the verbage is to inform....hope you enjoyed :) More to follow......