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Sunday, December 27, 2009

marriot gas lamp

Let me vent for a is depressing at the very least to see so called "bouncers" at such an impressive hotel as the Marriot GasLamp act in such a way as they did during my last stay...its sad to see people who, given normal circumstances would be given no authority at all, are placed in a position such as a "bouncer" to kick people out...the so called "bouncers" at Marriot Hotel wer terrible...not only were they discusting looking, but they were rude and foul mouthed not representing the Marriot Hotel in any way ... very very sad.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Go Bengals !!
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Tiger Woods

Lets throw this out there....
Its been awhile since i've posted...been back from Kosovo for a while...been traveling around, a trip to alaska, texas, seen a Dallas Cowboy game and a Bengal game. I'm back to tossing some posts on here so you can read how i feel bout some random stuff...

I have enough hearing about Tiger Woods and his countless mistresses...who cares, hes a man, no different than anyone else...lets move sick of ESPN spending countless hours talking about this...lets get back to the bowl season, lets talk about college basketball, lets talk about the Cowboys beating the Saints, lets talk about the make a wish foundation...something...something other than who Tiger is sticking his "9 iron" into...

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