For the past several days of training i have been working with a translator named "lala" (changing her name for confidentiality purposes). She is a Serbian who lives near by here, not sure if she is an refugee or an actual US citizen...anytime i ask about it she gets a bit quiet so i thought it best not to bring it back up...i made the simple mistake of asker her and some of her Serbian friends about a fellow translator (who happened to be an Albanian) if they knew him or if they knew how to contact him...i got the impression that i upset them...which made me think...if the reaction (whether good or bad) between two cultures is this bad here in the states...what kind of reaction would i get actually over in Kosovo?!?! What would it take to launch this brand new country back into a late-90's type of epic ethnic clash? How much "drama" would need to be present to cause these people to start the ethnic cleansing all over again....keep in mind that we are ten years removed from the 1999 UN bombings that ended the Serbian/Bosnian/Kosovar conflict...now all those 6, 7, 8, and 9 year olds who watched thier mothers getting raped, their families lined up next to a ditch and executed are now turning 16, 17, 18 and 19 landing them in both the prime criminal age (16-24) and prime military age (18-24). Lets not forget where some argue the word "infantry" comes from- Infant-soldier...its not unusual to see 13 or 14 year olds with rifles joining the fight they feel is the "good fight". Hence why I am hesistant about my up coming deployment...there are far more issues in the region than a genuine hastred of one another....
-Serbia is not allowing Kosovar products into their country (causing an already poor nation to struggle to find outlets for its goods-making it poorer and poorer by the day)
-Bosnia Hertzvogenia (spelled wrong) is taxing FULL duties to products entering its nation from Kosovo (taking an even greater chunk of what little profits there is in that region away)
-Macedonia is naming newly built freeways after ancient conquerors whose victories included the brutal slaughter of Greece (political left hook sent to Greece which has started a political confrontation in an already unstable region)
-bombs exploiding and suveral ethnically fuled brawls have broke out in northern Kosovo in the city of Mitrovica between Serbs and Kosovoars
-paramilitary groups have begun posting YouTube videos of themselves in the moutainous areas between Albania and Kosovo as well as in Serbia declaring their intentions
-several groups of men have been arrested in Italy, France, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia in connection with drugs, arms, explosives all supposedly coming from the Balkans...
Though these are serious events indeed...whether or not these various events will transform into violence on the ground is still debatable...the only difference for me is .... i'll be ON THE GROUND.....(to be cont....)
-Serbia is not allowing Kosovar products into their country (causing an already poor nation to struggle to find outlets for its goods-making it poorer and poorer by the day)
-Bosnia Hertzvogenia (spelled wrong) is taxing FULL duties to products entering its nation from Kosovo (taking an even greater chunk of what little profits there is in that region away)
-Macedonia is naming newly built freeways after ancient conquerors whose victories included the brutal slaughter of Greece (political left hook sent to Greece which has started a political confrontation in an already unstable region)
-bombs exploiding and suveral ethnically fuled brawls have broke out in northern Kosovo in the city of Mitrovica between Serbs and Kosovoars
-paramilitary groups have begun posting YouTube videos of themselves in the moutainous areas between Albania and Kosovo as well as in Serbia declaring their intentions
-several groups of men have been arrested in Italy, France, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia in connection with drugs, arms, explosives all supposedly coming from the Balkans...
Though these are serious events indeed...whether or not these various events will transform into violence on the ground is still debatable...the only difference for me is .... i'll be ON THE GROUND.....(to be cont....)
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