I had the pleasure of hanging out with four Italian soldiers today at Mt. Goles ( a mountain outpost ) for several hours. The man on the left is Carlo and the man on the right is Paulo (Paulo is getting married next year). We talked for quites sometime about various subjects as we traded patches and PT Gear with one another...on subject struck me...one of the Italian soldiers (not pictured) talked about his time in Afghanistan where he had the honor of meeting Pat Tillman. Professional football player for the Arizona Cardinals who left the life of fame and money to serve his country, only to end up being shot by one of his own Rangers. These Italian soldiers spoke at length at how amazed they were that a person would do what he did; leave fame and fortune for a life a service. They passionate and very expressive through hand gestures and body language at how they honored what he did. This struck me...how amazing it would be to hear that if i had done something worthy enough for soldiers, years later, from two different armies still talk about...to hear that i had made such an impression...
Just thought i would share that with everyone...hope all is well...love ya, miss ya...talk to you guys soon.
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