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Monday, January 19, 2009

Upcoming Election....

With the upcoming election a lot comes to mind...given the fact that i am in the military i have worries about what the future holds. Yes, our president-elect promised to get us out of Iraq, but then promised to double the troops in Afghanistan...not sure if that helped or hurt me. Historically, democrats have not been favoriable to the military in regards to down-sizing and availability of funds...we did recieve our pay raise this year though i am not sure if the president elect has anything to do with pay increases happening in the Jan following an election...regardless...these next four years will be interesting...i am not authorized to say anything bad about my commander and chief and therefore am not able to quantify how i truly feel, all i can say is the day i found out about McCain losing was a sad day...i felt genuine sorrow to hear that he had lost...
The nation is in one hell of a recession, inching ever closer to a depression. Car makers, banks and other financial institutions are merging, busting and buying each other out....bail-out money was as effective as shooting a bb gun at a train to stop it...oil prices are fluxing from cheap to outragious...the US dollar is inching towards worthless...stock portfolios are can be described as a sea of RED, the US Armed Forces are fighting Terrorist in Afghanistan and Iraq with missions all over the damn globe...with a populace that doesn't understand how real the threat is of these terrorist groups...Israel and Hamas are once again attacking each other causing massive civilian casualties...its a hell of a world we live in...and sadly as most experts on the economy say, it's going to get worse before it gets what point does "worst" kick in and we see a "better"...i remember about three years ago looking at my stocks and thinking that i made some good decesions...lots of green arrows point have changed....i can say one thankful for my family, friends and all those around me....i woke up this morning so things really aren't that bad. I love you guys, miss you....


  1. I love you Ben. As long as we have family and friends to love we are rich.

  2. I love you Ben! As long as we have family and friends who love us we are rich.

  3. I have similar thoughts. But lots of people don't think about the big picture. Its kind of upsetting. But,if you look at the big picture you can pick the right spot to be in.


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